SERVICEHPV Screening & HPV Vaccine

In contrast to public opinion, HPV can infect both sexes, not only women. Men also get HPV from sexual activity via oral and anal routes; which could lead to warts and cancer of the oropharynx, penis, and anus. There are about 150 strains of HPV, but only some strains are common and high-risk. HPV 6 & 11 cause about 90% of anogenital warts, while HPV 16 & 18 cause cancers.

Therefore, men also need protection from HPV. Men who are 9 – 26 years old should receive the HPV vaccine. Some lifestyle modifications also reduce the risk of infection and spreading it to others, for example:

  • Don’t change sexual partner too often
  • Used condoms every time (not 100% effective, you could still get HPV from your partner’s secretion)
  • Get 3 doses of HPV (best if received before exposure to HPV or first sex)